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Move over App store, Hello PWA

Introduced in 2015, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are the new alternative to downloading apps from the App store. PWAs are accessed from the web. Forbes reports that less people are downloading apps, because of time and commitment and instead accessing PWAs from the web. The need to develop mobile friendly sites is transitioning to just developing a PWA site that can be accessed faster and added as a home screen icon, if interested. If anyone is developing Apps for a classroom project or creating a PWA, please let me know. I'd love to hear about it. In the meantime, I'll look for easy ways to build a PWA as an option for an authentic real world project that can be easily added to a lesson. #apps #PWA #AuthenticLearning

Article from Google Developers Newswletter PWA overview with step by step guide on how to build one at the bottom of the page.

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